Introduction to the ISIT Construct
A modern approach to the fundamental concepts of Duality and Polarity
The ISIT Construct is a modern approach to the fundamental concepts of Duality and Polarity. Instead of relying on ancient metaphors like Yin|Yang, God|Devil, Order|Chaos, Male|Female, and all the others that evolved over the centuries in ancient religions and philosophies, the ISIT Construct establishes a new Prime Duality based on the words/symbols: IS and IT.
In this model, the words serve as symbolic representations. The symbol IS represents the animating force that makes everything go. IT reflects the invisible, inert medium through which IS flows. From this starting point, the ISIT Construct provides a path to map all of Reality, from the highest level of abstraction to as much detail as we choose to explore.
IS does not exist in the physical reality with which we are all familiar, other than as it relates to some ITistic form. And IT can not exist in reality without being animated to some degree by an ISish action.
You might be wondering what is the special significance of the symbols ‘IT’ and ‘IS’. What makes them a better representation of the Prime Duality than Yin/Yang, for example? Or Masculine/Feminine, or Real/Ideal, or Prickles and Goo?
That’s a very good question!
Ultimately, we are simply trying to establish two symbols to represent the essential nature of the Prime Duality that people can agree on, and that lend themselves to application to a broader philosophical framework.
We could choose any set of symbols that make sense to most people.
So why IS and IT?
Here are three key reasons:
The meanings of these two words clearly express the essential nature of these two aspects in a highly abstract yet accurate way.
Beyond the meaning of the words, the morphology of the letters, words, and the sentence itself reflect and reinforce the nature of the duality
It is a new and original representation, so it is not distorted and cluttered with cultural baggage
I can (and will) go into more depth about why the ISIT Construct is an excellent representation of the Prime Duality, but my goal is not to articulate this argument so clearly that everyone is convinced. Rather, my objective is to help other people arrive at the same conclusion through their own experience via the ISIT Game.
Rather than passively accepting the flawed representations that have been passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years, we will establish a modern conceptualization through contemporary consensus.
With a Prime Duality established by consensus, the ISIT Construct will enable us to associate highly abstract concepts to the model, such as numbers, geometry, physics, colors, music, alphabets, language, archetypes, and others, analagous to the way binary numbers relate to Hex, ASCII, machine language, assembly language, etc.
In this way, we will collaboratively develop a semantic taxonomy of our society, or civilization, our world, and all of Creation, extending from the highest levels of abstraction down to the deepest levels of derivative details we choose to explore.
This taxonomy will provide us with a mechanism by which to logically map our shared Reality.
The ISIT Construct is based on the concept of Objective Reality, which holds that everything in Reality can be abstractly defined as an Object that exhibits at least 10 Immutable Laws, starting with the First Law — that all Objects ultimately consist of IS and IT.
We exist in a relative, 3-D Reality, and the majority of people seem to be firmly rooted in their belief that this is the ultimate reality. Even a large percentage of religious people perceive Reality in this way, seeing God as a being with various attributes and preferences, and Heaven as a place where He and his many followers can dwell together, away from the many others who go to a different place.
This isn’t intended as a criticism of religions or their adherents. It simply is what it is. We are embedded in this relative reality, and it seems extremely real to us.
This mindset is expressed perfectly by none other than the fictional character, Conan the Barbarian:
“Let teachers and priests and philosophers brood over questions of reality and illusion. I know this: if life is an illusion, then I am no less an illusion, and being thus, the illusion is real to me.”
— Conan the Barbarian
And the fact is, most people don’t even give the concept as much thought as Conan. They are absorbed in the particulars of their own lives and don’t see the forest for the trees.
But that’s not how they see it. From their perspective, it is the woo woo philosophers who are living in a fantasy world. They don’t take all of this talk about enlightenment and awakening seriously. And their position is validated every day by cold, hard, undeniable facts, (at least as far as they can see).
The ISIT Construct is a tool designed to lead people who are inclined to think in terms of logic, science, and convention inexorably to the conclusion that, even though their materialistic mindset is indeed valid, (at least from the perspective of Conan the Barbarian), there is an Absolute Awareness underlying it all, and that understanding this Truth is the most direct path to more peace, joy and love in their life and for everyone else.
So there you have it — a brief introduction to the ISIT Construct that can serve as the basis for a movement with the potential to transform our civilization.
This is just the beginning — the tip of the iceberg. I have much more to share with you, but I am even more excited to hear your feedback.
I am searching for people who already have the innate understanding of what I am trying to express, and who are ready to apply their efforts in a coordinated fashion with other like-minded people to effect a radical transformation of our civilization to the next level.
If you are one of the people I’m looking for, please respond with your thoughts so far, then stay tuned for my next message where I’ll begin to introduce the ISIT Game.
These are some deep concepts. Is this a way of explaining nonduality?
Not sure if this is related, but this popped in my mind when reading it:
Philosophy is not science because it cannot be tested. The key criteria for science, is testability. The IT is what is testable in Newtonian physics. And the IS is more like quantum mechanics. Actually both are testable here. But one is unseen.
I was trying to summarize your paper in a sentence but I'm not there yet.